Integration resources
Community Project (2)

A zip file containing LaTeX source and eps files for the quick reference leaflet 'Integration: Laplace Transforms' contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Leslie Fletcher, Liverpool John Moores University

This resource covering the Trapezium Rule, Simpsons Rule and an overview of error function has been contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Josh Simpson and reviewed by Leslie Fletcher, Liverpool John Moores University.
Quick Reference (2)

Reviews the techniques of integration needed to find and manipulate Laplace Transforms. This Quick Reference leaflet is contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Leslie Fletcher and reviewed by Martin Randles, Liverpool John Moores University.

This resource covering the Trapezium Rule, Simpsons Rule and an overview of error function has been contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Josh Simpson and reviewed by Leslie Fletcher, Liverpool John Moores University.