Partial differentiation resources
Facts & Formulae Leaflets (2)

Overview of the rules of partial differentiation and methods of optimization of functions in Economics and Business Studies. This leaflet has been contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Morgiane Richard (University of Aberdeen) and reviewed by Anthony Cronin (University College Dublin).

This leaflet is a summary of common mathematical definitions and properties used in the Physical Sciences and Systems Biology contributed to the mathcentre Community Project by Dr Morgiane Richard, University of Aberdeen and reviewed by Mamen Romano and Ian Stansfield, University of Aberdeen.
Test Yourself (2)

Four questions on partial differentiation. The first two involve finding the first and second partial derivative of a polynomial in x and y. The third involves finding a first partial derivative using the chain rule. The fourth involves finding a second partial derivative involving the product rule. DEWIS resources have been made available under a Creative Commons licence by Rhys Gwynllyw & Karen Henderson, University of the West of England, Bristol.

Finding the stationary points of functions of 2 variables. Numbas resources have been made available under a Creative Commons licence by Bill Foster and Christian Perfect, School of Mathematics & Statistics at Newcastle University.